Rural Tourism

Heritage and Tourism Development, Development Tourism, Community Tourism, Sustainable Tourism, Heritage Walks, Heritage Walk Tourism, Heritage Lectures, Heritage Lecture Tourism, Experiential Tourism, Experiential Tourism Network, Rural Tourism, Tourism Internship, GOI, Government of India, UNDP, United Nations Development Programmes, ETRL, Endogenous Tourism for Rural Livelihoods, Susutainability in Tourism, Rural Tourism Project, Chettinad, Devipattinam, Kalugumalai, Theerthamalai, Thirupudaimarudur, monolithic Vettuvan Koil and Kalugumalai Jain Beds, Monolyth rock cut temple.

Rural Tourism

Development sector is characterised by its experimentations and innovations. Poor people need more livelihoods choices and capacity to identify and handle the choices of their own. There are conventional activities being supported by many government and non government organisations as part of poverty reduction efforts. In order to enhance the income earning capacities of the poor, there is a need to identify traditional activities which were in existence for many decades, have potential to be revived and made them viable and feasible ones. Still there are many artisans depend on those traditional activities for their survival as they do not have any other choices and they look for support to make those activities viable and sustainable.


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